Greenhills Garden Design
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Repetition is the key to good planting

When you design a border or a garden you should aim for harmony.

Repeating a favourite plant at intervals along the front of a border can be a very powerful way of adding unity to your garden.
Choose a plant that has a presence for much of the year. Suitable plants may be Heucheras , Bergenias, Stachys, hardy Geraniums, small grasses etc.

Small plants look sad if planted singly. Plant your perennials in groups. In a small garden groups of three, five or seven plants may suffice but in a huge border go for a large drift.

The phrase 'less is more' is an apt one when planning your garden. Your planting should not be too 'bitty'. There is the invariable temptation to try as many varieties of plant as possible but try to reduce the number of varieties you use and increase the number of each of your chosen plants.

Repeat a colour scheme round your garden. Repeat a group of similar plants - e.g. a border with different types of grasses or a border dominated by roses and a few smaller plants to complement them.

REPEAT after me.. repeat, repeat, repeat..




Maria Greenhill B.Ed (Hons) PG Dip GD (OCGD)
Contact Maria on 01908 678647 to discuss your ideal garden